Game Wiki Help

Game Wiki Help and Tips

Character Wikis

When joining the game, if you choose to maintain a wiki for your character, please make sure to put them under the appropriate section. For example, you have a fourth year Ravenclaw. On the top bar of the wiki, click on 'House Information', select Ravenclaw, then insert your character's name in the appropriate section. Also, while staff tries to keep up with the influx of new characters, sometimes we miss one of you. If your name isn't under the 'Full Cast Listing,' feel free to put it in there, using previous code as an example.

Other neat things to do with character wikis, is linking them back to their affiliated area. (House, Ministry, Hogwarts, etc)

RP Log Posting

In order to help keep track of what scenes you were in, we've implemented a tagging system. It may seem a bit of a pain, but trust us, it pays off. When posting your logs, make sure you change the title of your log to have the date within it. After the log is posted, add the names of those involved at the bottom under tags. This way when you click on a character's tag, it will list all of the logs in chronological order. It's very handy, especially for players that do not list a timeline on their character wikis.

If you need an example of what we mean by putting a date in the title, here goes. When you first create the page, it gives you a white box at the top that says 'Title of the page'. It should automatically insert the page name you started with. Before the title, type in the date in the following format: YEAR-MO-DA: Title

Such as in the 'Shield's Up And Ready' DADA log, the title in the box reads: 2026-08-01: Shield's Up And Ready

It seems complicated the first couple of times this is done, but it makes searching for logs /much/ easier. See here for example. If you click on any of the character names, it neatly lists the logs they are in.

Page tags can also be used on character wikis, with house and relevant information too if one chooses. The same with RP logs. If there's something relevant, add it to the tags, in addition to the scene participants.

RP Logs Note: The rules on the game apply to the wiki as well. Nothing beyond PG-13 in RP logs. Keep it clean, and anything else beyond that stays in the game and not the logs

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