This is by no means a complete list of spells, but a general reference.
First Year Spells
Spell Name: Alohomora
Incantation: Alohomora
Pronunciation: AL-o-ho-MOR-ah
Effect: This charm will cause a locked door to open. Success is dependant
on the type of lock, the level of the lock, and the student's familiarity of
the spell.
Spell Name: Bewitched Snowballs
Incantation: None Given
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: Enchants snowballs to fly around and hit things. The more advanced
user can direct his snowballs to a certain target.
Spell Name: Blue Bells Flames
Incantation: Lacarnum Inflamarae
Pronunciation: la-CAR-num in-fla-MA-rye
Effect: This spell conjures a small blue flame from the end of a wand. The
flame can be captured and stored in a jar to provide light. It is taught
primarily as a 'non-offensive' spell, though some students have been known
to use it to set items on fire.
Spell Name: Leg-Locker Curse
Incantation: Locomotor Mortis
Pronunciation: lo-co-MO-tor MOR-tis
Effect: Locks the legs of the victim together, making him unable to walk.
Spell Name: Levitation Charm
Incantation: Wingardium Leviosa
Pronunciation: win-GAR-dee-um lev-ee-OH-sa
Effects: Causes an object to levitate.
Second Year Spells
Spell Name: Arania Exumai
Incantation: Arania Exumai
Pronunciation: uh-RAY-nee-uh EX-oo-my
Effect: Knocks over or throws back spiders.
Spell Name: Everte Statum
Incantation: Everte Statum
Pronunciation: ee-VER-tay STAH-tum
Effect: Duelling spell used to send the opponent flying.
Spell Name: Disarming Spell
Incantation: Expelliarmus
Pronunciation: ex-pel-ee-AR-mus
Effect: Causes opponent's weapon to fly out of his or her hand.
Spell Name: Fera Verto
Incantation: Fera Verto
Pronunciation: FAIR-uh VAIR-to
Effect: The spell transforms an animal into a cup or goblet.
Spell Name: Freezing Charm
Incantation: Immobulus
Pronunciation: i-MO-bi-lus
Effect: Freezes objects where they are.
Spell Name: Full Body Bind
Incantation: Petrificus Totalus
Pronunciation: pe-TRI-fi-cus to-TAH-lus
Effect: Turns the entire body of the victim rigid.
Spell Name: Tickling Charm
Incantation: Rictusempra
Pronunciation: ric-tu-SEM-pra
Effect: Causes a person to laugh uncontrollably.
Spell Name: Serpensortia
Incantation: Serpensortia
Pronunciation: ser-pen-SOR-sha
Effect: Causes a large serpent to burst from the end of the caster's wand.
Restrictions: This spell requires staff approval before you can use it IC. This spell is generally only known to Slytherins, and even then only a select few. The serpent is recognized as the trademark of Salazar Slytherin.
Spell Name: Tarantallegra
Incantation: Tarantallegra
Pronunciation: TAIR-an-tuh-LEG-ruh
Effect: Forces the victim's legs to do a crazy dance.
Third Year Spells
Spell Name: Bombarda
Incantation: Bombarda
Pronunciation: bom-BAR-da
Effect: Spell which can blast open a door.
Spell Name: Cheering Charm
Incantation: None Given
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: A charm that cheers a person up, makes them happy.
Spell Name: Impervius
Incantation: Impervius
Pronunciation: im-PER-vee-us
Effect: Makes something waterproof or water repellent.
Spell Name: Lumos
Incantation: Lumos
Pronunciation: LOO-mos
Effect: Causes a small beam of light to shine from the end of the caster's
Spell Name: Nox
Incantation: Nox
Pronunciation: noks
Effect: Turns off the light from a "Lumos" spell.
Spell Name: Repairo
Incantation: Reparo
Pronunciation: re-PAR-oh
Effect: Undoes damage to an object.
Spell Name: Boggart Banishing Spell
Incantation: Riddikulus
Pronunciation: ri-di-KYOO-lus
Effects: A simple charm requiring force of mind, this spell requires the caster to visualize his or her worst fear in an amusing form while reciting the incantation. When performed correctly, this forces the boggart to take on an appearance which will inspire the laughter that forms an effective defense against the creature.
Spell Name: Waddiwasi
Incantation: Waddiwasi
Pronunciation: wah-di-WAH-see
Effect: Shoots a wad of gum out of a keyhole.
Fourth Year Spells
Spell Name: Accio
Incantation: Accio
Pronunciation: A-see-oh
Effect: Causes an object to fly to the caster, even over quite some distance; the target object is said to have been Summoned. It would seem that the caster must know at least the general location of the object summoned.
Spell Name: Ascendio
Incantation: Ascendio
Pronunciation: uh-SEN-dee-oh
Effect: Causes the spellcaster to ascend rapidly.
Spell Name: Depulso
Incantation: Depulso
Pronunciation: de-PULSE-oh
Effect: Sends an object away from the caster.
Spell Name: Bat-Bogey Hex
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: Engorges an opponent's 'bogies' to bat-size, gives them wings, and sets them to attacking his or her face.
Spell Name: Defensive Charge
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: no incantation needed; automatic response - A charge like that of electricity runs through the body of a wizard with this automatic defensive spell.
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Spell Name: Densaugeo
Incantation: Densaugeo
Pronunciation: den-sah-OO-gi-oh
Effect: Curse which causes the victim's teeth to enlarge grotesquely.
Spell Name: Furnunculus
Incantation: Furnunculus
Pronunciation: fur-NUN-kyoo-lus
Effect: Curse that causes boils to break out all over the victim.
Spell Name: Impedimenta
Incantation: Impedimenta
Pronunciation: im-ped-ih-MEN-tah
Effect: Stops an object or slows it down.
Spell Name: Periculum
Incantation: None Needed
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: Sends red sparks into the air.
Spell Name: Protego (Shield Charm)
Incantation: Protego
Effect: This spell creates a magical barrier that will deflect hexes thrown at the caster.
Spell Name: Reducto
Incantation: Reducto
Pronunciation: re-DUC-toh
Effect: Blasts solid objects out of the caster's path.
Fifth Year Spells
Spell Name: Aparecium
Incantation: Aparecium
Pronunciation: a-par-EE-see-um
Effect: Makes invisible ink become visible.
Spell Name: Colloportus
Incantation: Colloportus
Pronunciation: co-lo-POR-tus
Effect: Seals a door, making an odd squelching noise.
Spell Name: Diffindo
Incantation: Diffindo
Pronunciation: dih-FIN-doe
Effect: Spell that cuts something open.
Spell Name: Engorgio (Engorgement Charm)
Incantation: Engorgio
Pronunciation: en-GOR-gee-oh
Effect: Spell which causes the target to swell in size.
Spell Name: Evanesco (Vanishing Spell)
Incantation: Evanesco
Pronunciation: ev-an-ES-ko
Effect: Makes something vanish (not just become invisible, but go away completely)
Spell Name: Finite Incantatem
Incantation: Finite Incantatem
Pronunciation: fi-NEE-tay in-can-TAH-tum
Effect: Stops currently operating spell effects.
Spell Name: Flagrate
Incantation: Flagrate
Pronunciation: flah-GRAH-tay
Effect: Creates a burning, fiery line in the air which can be "drawn" with the wand into specific shapes. The shape lingers for some time.
Spell Name: Reducio
Incantation: Reducio
Pronunciation: re-DOO-see-oh
Effect: Causes an Engorged object to return to its normal size.
Spell Name: Silencio (Silencing Charm)
Incantation: Silencio
Pronunciation: si-LEN-see-oh
Effect: Magically silences the target of the spell.
Sixth Year Spells
Spell Name: Aguamenti
Incantation: Aguamenti
Pronunciation: AH-gwa-MEN-tee
Effect: Charm that conjures a fountain or jet of clear water from the caster's wand.
Spell Name: Confundus Charm
Incantation: Confundo
Pronunciation: con-FUN-doh
Effect: Causes confusion. A person who is affected by this Charm is said to be Confunded.
Spell Name: Episkey
Incantation: Episkey
Pronunciation: eh-PIS-key
Effect: Heals/repairs damage that has been inflicted on the target.
Spell Name: Expecto Patronum (Patronus Charm)
Incantation: Expecto Patronum
Pronunciation: ex-PEK-toh pa-TROH-num
Effect: Conjures a Patronus, a silvery phantom shape, usually that of an animal, which is the embodiment of the positive thoughts of the caster. A Patronus will drive away Dementors.
Spell Name: Incarcerous
Incantation: Incarcerous
Pronunciation: in-CAR-sir-us
Effect: Sends thick ropes out of thin air to wrap around someone or something.
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Spell Name: Oppugno
Incantation: Oppugno
Pronunciation: oh-PUG-noh
Effect: Causes conjured creatures under the control of the caster to attack the target.
Spell Name: Langlock
Incantation: Langlock
Pronunciation: LANG-lok
Effect: A jinx that glues the target's tongue to the roof of his or her mouth.
Spell Name: Levicorpus
Incantation: Levicorpus
Pronunciation: leh-vi-COR-pus
Effect: Dangles the target person upside-down by the ankle in mid-air.
Spell Name: Liberacorpus
Incantation: Liberacorpus
Pronunciation: lee-ber-ah-COR-pus
Effect: Counter-jinx to Levicorpus.
Spell Name: Muffliato
Incantation: Muffliato
Pronunciation: muf-lee-AH-to
Effect: Fills the ears of target persons near the caster with an unidentifiable buzzing, so that the caster can hold lengthy conversations without being overheard.
Spell Name: Sectumsempra
Incantation: Sectumsempra
Pronunciation: sek-tum-SEM-pra
Effect: Cuts the target.
Spell Name: Specialis Revelio
Incantation: Specialis Revelio
Pronunciation: spe-see-AH-lis reh-VEL-ee-oh
Effect: Used to identify the ingredients of the target potion.
Spell Name: Tergeo
Incantation: Tergeo
Pronunciation: tair-GAY-oh
Effect: Cleans up the target object or person.
Seventh Year Spells
Spell Name: Bubble-Head Charm
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: Encloses the head of the caster with a bubble of breathable air.
Spell Name: Conjunctivitis Curse
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: A spell that affects the eyes and vision of the target
Spell Name: Inanimatus Conjurus
Incantation: Inanimatus Conjurus
Pronunciation: in-an-i-MAH-tus con-JUR-us
Effect: Although not identified, the name suggests that this involves the conjuring inanimate objects.
Adult Spells
Spell Name: Alarte Ascendare
Incantation: Alarte Ascendare
Pronunciation: uh-LAR-tay uh-SEN-dar-uh
Effect: Spell which causes something to shoot up into the air.
Spell Name: Anapneo
Incantation: Anapneo
Pronunciation: ah-NAHP-nay-oh
Effect: Spell that clears the target's airway, if blocked.
Spell Name: Arresto Momentum
Incantation: Arresto Momentum
Pronunciation: uh-RES-toe mo-MEN-tum
Effect: Slows the descent of a falling object.
Spell Name: Avada Kedavra
Incantation: Avada Kedavra
Pronunciation: uh-VAH-duh kuh-DAH-vruh
Effect: Causes instant death in a flash of green light, usually leaving no sign of physical damage or of the cause of death that would be detectable to a Muggle autopsy.
Spell Name: Avis
Incantation: Avis
Pronunciation: AH-vis
Effect: Conjures a flock of small, twittering birds.
Spell Name: Crucio
Incantation: Crucio
Pronunciation: KROO-see-oh
Effect: One of the "Unforgivable Curses," this spell causes the victim to suffer almost intolerable pain. Some victims of prolonged use of this curse have been driven insane.
Spell Name: Cushioning Charm
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: N/A
Effect: The Cushioning Charm creates an invisible "pillow" on the handle of a broom to make flying more comfortable.
Spell Name: Deletrius
Incantation: Deletrius
Pronunciation: deh-LEE-tree-us
Effect: Erases the ghost images of spells revealed by the Priori Incantatem spell. Possibly can be used to remove other spell effects as well.
Spell Name: Ennervate
Incantation: Ennervate
Pronunciation: EN-er-vayt
Effect: Spell used to revive a person who has been hit by a Stunner.
Spell Name: Fidelius Charm
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: fih-DAY-lee-us
Effect: "An immensely complex spell involving the magical concealment of a secret inside a single, living soul. The information is hidden inside the chosen person, or
Secret-Keeper, and is henceforth impossible to find — unless, of course, the Secret-Keeper chooses to divulge it".
Spell Name: Finite
Incantation: Finite
Pronunciation: fi-NEE-tay
Effect: Stops a currently operating spell effect.
Spell Name: Imperio (Imperius Curse)
Incantation: Imperio
Pronunciation: im-PAIR-ee-oh
Effect: One of the Unforgivable Curses, this spell causes the victim to be completely under the command of the caster, who can make the victim do anything the caster wishes.
Spell Name: Imperturbable Charm
Incantation: N/A
Pronunciation: IM-per-TUR-ba-bul
Effect: Creates a magical barrier on an object, such as a door, to prevent eavesdropping.
Spell Name: Incendio
Incantation: Incendio
Pronunciation: in-SEN-dee-o
Effect: Starts a fire.
Spell Name: Morsmordre (The Dark Mark)
Incantation: Morsmordre
Pronunciation: mors-MOR-druh
Effect: Conjures an immense glowing skull in the sky, comprised of green sparks. There is a snake coming out of the skull's mouth.
Spell Name: Obliviate (Memory Charm)
Incantation: Obliviate
Pronunciation: oh-BLI-vee-ate
Effect: Modifies or erases portions of a person's memory.
Spell Name: Portus
Incantation: Portus
Pronunciation: POR-tus
Effects: Turns the target object into a Portkey.
Spell Name: Prior Incantato (Reverse Spell Effect)
Incantation: Prior Incantato
Pronunciation: prye-OR in-can-TAH-toe
Effect: Can be cast as a spell, ("Prior Incantato"), in which case it forces a wand to emit a ghost image of the last spell it cast. The images can be dispelled using the Deletrius spell.
Spell Name: Quietus
Incantation: Quietus
Pronunciation: KWY-uh-tus
Effect: Reverses the effect of the Sonorus spell, making the caster's voice normal in volume.
Spell Name: Scourgify
Incantation: Scourgify
Pronunciation: SKUR-ji-fy
Effect: Cleans things.
Spell Name: Sonorus
Incantation: Sonorus
Pronunciation: so-NO-rus
Effect: Makes the caster's voice carry over long distances.
Spell Name: Stupefy (Stunning Spell)
Incantation: Stupefy
Pronunciation: STOO-puh-fye
Effect: Renders the target of the spell unconscious; this spell hurls a bolt of red light.
Spells prefixed with an * require staff approval before you can express IC knowledge of the spell.This list is by no means complete, and staff is taking suggestions as to original spells that might possibly fit in with canon.
For a complete list of spells, please see -