Wizarding Careers
There are many careers that one may take on in the wizarding world. Some more glamourous than others. But they are all very important.
Broom Industry
- Design
- Marketing
- Research and Development
Various broom manufacturers include:
- Bluebottle
- Cleansweep Series
- Comet Series
- Firebolt
- Nimbus
Clothiers and Milliners
- Authors
- Musicians
- Singers
Ministry of Magic
Quidditch Careers
- Announcers
- Merchandising
- Owners
- Team players
- Charms
- Herbology
- Potions
- Transfiguration
Shops and Restaurants
- Floo Powder - The Floo Network falls under the Ministry's domain
- Flying Carpet
- Hogwarts Express
- Knight Bus
Wizarding Medicine
- Healers
- Orderlies
- Welcome Witches
Wizarding Media & Communications
- Daily Prophet, The
- Owl Post
- Quibbler, The
- Transfiguration Today
- Which Broomstick
- Witch Weekly
- Wizarding Wireless Network
page revision: 0, last edited: 10 Aug 2009 07:16